
Fourth International Conference on ERPBSS 21/01/2018


Past Fourth InternationalMiddlesex University Dubai hosted the biennial Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences (ERPBSS) conference from 16 to 18 January 2018. This event, one of the highlights of the University’s calendar, was attended by over 170 delegates representing institutions worldwide, including the UAE, Pakistan, Taiwan, Greece, the UK, India, and France. The inaugural morning of ERPBSS-18 included two excellent keynote speeches. Professor Errol D’Souza, Director-In-Charge, at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, discussed ‘Choices and the Seduction of the Present’, a thoroughly engaging account of factors influencing decision making. Amna Sultan Al Owais, Chief Executive and Registrar DIFC, gave a thoughtful and informative speech on ‘Global and local challenges in commercial dispute resolution’, with a focus on the current and planned activities of DIFC. Across the three days of the conference, over 100 oral presentations were delivered by more than 130 speakers. Across the nine conference tracks, 27 oral presentation sessions were held. Additionally, 13 posters were presented in a visual paper session, and two special sessions (workshop and panel discussion) were held. The conference concluded in the Oasis Theatre on the afternoon of the 18th, with an ceremony to present delegates with ‘best paper’ awards.