Staff Profile

Professor Cedwyn Fernandes PhD

  • Ph.D. (Economics) University of Mumbai, 1984-1988
  • MA (Economics) University of Mumbai, 1981-1983
  • BA (Economics) University of Mumbai, 1978-1981
  • ITT ( Introduction to Tertiary Teaching) – University of Wollongong - Australia
Membership of professional bodies and associations
  • Indian Economic Association (IEA)
  • Academy of International Business (AIB)
  • Consultative Committee – Supply Chain & Logistics Group (SCLG)
Awards / Notable Achievements
  • 2008 - Best Paper Award at First International Business Conference (IBC2008), Detroit Metropolitan, Michigan, USA
  • 2007 - Finalist Dubai Economic Research Award.
  • 2006 - Research Excellence Award – University of Wollongong
  • 2005 - Finalist, Dubai Economic Research Award, sponsored by Dubai Economic Department.   Ranked among top seven out of 158 competitive papers. Presented in Award Ceremony.
  • 2004 - Best Paper Award. The European Applied Business Research Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 14-18.

Teaching Areas:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • International Business
  • Supply Chain Management 
Research Areas:
  • Macroeconomics
  • Management issues in International Business
  • Supply Chain Management
  • UAE

Selected Publications:
  • (2022) ‘Confirmation of a crisis leadership model and its effectiveness: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic’, Cogent Business & Management, 9:1, (jointly with  Sreejith Balasubramanian).
  • (2016) “Importance of Marketing Mix constructs for MBA programmes in the UAE"
    (jointly with Mohammad Meraj and Kieran Ross) . International Journal of Business & Globalisation . Vol 16, 2.
  • (2015) “Are Organizations in the Service Sector UAE Learning Organizations? An empirical analysis using the DLOQ” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science , ISBN 978-9948-18-984-8. Jointly with Alaa Garad.
  • (2013) "Understanding Student Satisfaction and Loyalty in the UAE HE Sector". International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 27 Number. 6. Jointly with K. Ross & M. Meraj.
  • (2013)  "Analysis of counterfeit fashion purchase behaviour in UAE", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 17 Iss: 1, pp.85 – 97
  • (2010) “Estimating Elasticity of Demand for Tourism in Dubai” Tourism Analysis Vol 15, Number 1 . Jointly with Prof. Ajit Karnik
  • (2009) ‘Macro-econometric Modelling for the UAE - An Optimal Control Approach'  Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues. Vol2, No.2.
  • (2009) ‘ Dubai’s Potential as an Integrated Logistics Hub’, Journal of Applied Business Research. May/June Volume 25, Number 3 – . Jointly with Dr. G. Rodrigues
  • (2009) ‘ Extent of Globalisation in MENA Countries: An Empirical Analysis’. International Journal of Business and Globalisation Volume 4 Issue 2 – forthcoming. Jointly with  Dr. Naeem Muhammad and G. Rodrigues.
  • (2008) “Natural Resource Dependence :A Macroeconometric Model for the United Arab Emirates”. Applied Economics Vol 41 No. 9 . Jointly with Prof. Ajit Karnik.
  • (2007) “Determinants of Salary Differentials of Graduates in the United Arab Emirates : A Human Capital theory Approach. Global Business and Economics Anthology 2007, Volume II. B&ESI.
  • (2007) "The Impact of Core Job dimensions on Satisfaction and Performance". International Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol 6 Number 1.Clute Institute for Academic Research. Jointly with Dr. Raed Awamleh.
  • (2006) Impact of Organizational Justice in an Expatriate Work Environment. Management Research News, 29(11), 701-712. Emerald.
  • “D33: Dubai’s Ambitious Economic Agenda”. Keynote Address at the Souk Economics  1st Middlesex University Cross-Campus Conference in Economics and Finance, Dubai, Jan 2024.
  • “Crisis Leadership for organisations in times of Stress” . Keynote address at the  Global Finance Conclave “Economic and Financial Prospects: Outlook for Global South” OP Jindal School of Banking, India, Feb 2023.
  • “Are Organizations in the Service Sector UAE Learning Organizations? An empirical analysis using the DLOQ”  Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science, Dubai, Nov 2015.
  • “A Pilot Study to Estimate the Extent of  Learning in Organizations in the UAE”. Paper presented at the 3rd Organisational Learning Conference MENA , Abu Dhabi, Nov 2014
  • ‘Importance of Marketing Mix constructs for MBA programmes in the UAE’ (jointly with Mohammad Meraj and Kieran Ross) Paper presented at the Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science ERPBSS, Dubai UAE, Nov 2013
  • ‘Does Logistics Matter? – A Cross-Country Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Logistics on Economic Growth” Paper presented at the 11th Japan Economic Policy Conference, Nagoya, Japan
  • Why do People Purchase  Counterfeit  Fashion  Products in the UAE ? Paper presented at the Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science ERPBSS,  Dubai UAE, Nov 2011.
  • Antecedents of Satisfaction of Students as Customers and its Impact on Loyalty: A hyper-competitive HE context. (jointly with Mohammad Meraj and Kieran Ross)  Paper presented at the Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science ERPBSS,  Dubai UAE, Nov 2011.
  • ”A Panel Data Approach to estimating the Elasticity of Demand for Tourism in Dubai” . paper presented at the  European Asian Economics, Finance & Accounting and Econometric Association, Beijing, China, Sept 2010.
  • “Integrated Logistics Hub – Does Dubai have the potential?. Paper presented at American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 2009
  • "Extent of Globalisation in MENA Countries: An Empirical Analysis".(Jointly with Naeem Muhammad & Gwendolyn Rodirugues. Paper presented at First International Business Conference (IBC2008), Detroit Metropolitan, Michigan, USA. Best Paper Award
  • “Factors Affecting the Perception of Barriers to E-commerce Adoption in Australian Regional SMEs – Lessons for UAE” (jointly with Rob MacGregor & Lejla Vrazalic). Paper Presented at CollECTer 2007 Conferenece, Melbourne, Australia, December 2007.
  • “Determinants of Salary Differentials of Graduates in the United Arab Emirates : A Human Capital Theory Approach.”. Paper presented at the 2007 B & ESI Conference, Antibes, France, July 2007.
  • “Macro-econometric Policy Modelling for an Oil Dependent Economy : An Optimal Control  Approach for the UAE  Economy” (jointly with Ajit Karnik). Paper  presented at  the 2006 B & ESI Conference, Florence Italy, July 2006.
  • “A Test of the Core Job dimensions in JCM on Employee’s Satisfaction and Self-Perceived Performance in the UAE Banking” (jointly with Dr. Raed Awamleh).Paper  presented at  the 2006 B&ESI Conference, Florence Italy, July 2006.
Memberships of Professional Bodies/Associations
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Group (SCLG)
  • Association of International Business
  • Indian Economic Association

Balasubramanian, S., & Fernandes, C. (2022). Confirmation of a crisis leadership model and its effectiveness: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2022824.

Faculty Members