Calling on all innovators and entrepreneurs!
- Wednesday, 30 March 2022
- 10:30 PM GST
The Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is pleased to invite individual and/or student group submission for the University Entrepreneurship Program (UEP): Campus round. We are on the search to award the Top 5 business ideas based on your submission following the below instructions:
- Prepare your 5-minute recorded video presentation + Business Story document and submit on or before 31 March 2022.
- Submit your video file and document file to [email protected] using WETRANSFER
- Make sure your presentations cover the following parts:
- Business story document:
- Your Madlib guided information details (download the file here) - You do not have to literally follow this verbatim. It is a guide to help cover pitching basics, so go ahead and apply for your idea.
- Video Pitch requirements:
- Give more details on the nature of the problem you are solving – from the research you have conducted at the start of the program until now, we expect for you to have a good idea of a real problem at this point
- Target market information – provide details on your target market like demographics, researched segmentation and where you feel you want to start your first business activity
- Value proposition – summarize the all-important value proposition for customers
- Market opportunity evaluation – estimated market size based on researched information on for example: trends, current and future prospects
- Competitive landscape – share the research details of who you have identified are your competitors in the market and why. Remember, you are not competing with everyone all the time and so a more mature analysis here is expected. Where is the gap in the market currently that is of potential for your positioning?
- Competitive strategy – what’s the plan to make it hard for competition to copy you?
- Business model – outline how you will generate revenue (think about having several ways to generate income) and your go-to-market strategy (think of your marketing options here)
- Team details – let us know who the core team will be and highlight important contributions expected from each
So give us your best 5 minutes and we look forward to receiving your submissions!