Campus Life
Campus Life

Enrolment, Registration, Attendance



Enrolling at Middlesex University Dubai is a process by which an individual officially agrees to become a student at the University before they start their classes. This also indicates the student’s agreement to abide by the University’s policies and regulations.

All new and continuing students must enrol at the start of the programme of study, prior to attending classes, and shall undertake to comply with the regulations of the University. To enrol you need to go online to MyMDX (at and follow the simple instructions. Returning students can enrol for their new academic year if they are not in debt to the University and have no outstanding progression problems.

Module Registration

Many programmes offered at Middlesex University Dubai have both compulsory and optional modules. For returning students, compulsory modules are registered before the start of every academic year. Students that are required to select optional modules for next academic year will need to complete the relevant programme planning forms. For new students, this process is completed at Induction. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure you are registered for the correct modules.

Change in Optional Modules

Any requests for change in optional modules should be made within the initial 2 weeks of the academic year.

Students may change their optional modules of study by completing the ‘Add/Delete Form’ at the CampusCentral. Any proposed changes must be in line with the programme specifications for the current programme and must be in agreement with the relevant Campus Programme Coordinator (CPC).

Programme Planning

By Week 18 of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to seek advice from Campus Programme Coordinators (CPCs) on their programme path and select optional modules for their next year of study. Students must choose their optional modules by the end of Week 22. Selecting optional modules gives you the opportunity to focus your degree on the subject areas you are most interested in or are hoping to get into following your graduation. It is important that you select your optional modules as early as possible as class sizes are limited, and modules can reach their capacity quickly.

Changing your Programme

Programme of study may be changed till the end of the second week of the start of the academic year.

A student may transfer from one programme of study to another within the University on condition that a satisfactory level of academic performance has been achieved, the conditions of entry have been met (including module prerequisites) and approval for the new programme of study has been obtained from the Campus Programme Coordinator (CPC).

To change a programme, the student must complete a ‘Change of Programme/Mode Request’ with the CampusCentral. Remember that this may have an impact on your tuition fees and payment plans.

Academic Guidance

Campus Programme Coordinators (CPCs) are available for programme planning and academic advice. You will find the contact information for your Campus Programme Coordinator (CPC) in your Programme Handbook and via our ‘Staff Directory’ which is available on our website at

For more information, please visit CampusCentral


The University lays down formal regulations about attendance (see the ‘University Regulations’ - Middlesex University Dubai is keen to ensure all students enhance their academic potential. One of the ways we do this is by monitoring attendance, which allows us to work with students to resolve any issues that may prevent students from attending classes.

Students should attend all scheduled classes and prescribed activities. For each module, attendance requirements will be detailed in the Module Handbook. Students are generally expected to attend at least 75% of the scheduled taught sessions for each module; however, in many cases, the requirements are higher.

For more information, please visit CampusCentral



If for any reason, you need to interrupt your studies, you will need to receive permission from your Campus Programme Coordinator (CPC) to suspend your studies and complete the ‘Interruption Form’ available at the CampusCentral. This will record your period of absence and a place will be reserved for you when you are able to return.

Students who interrupt their studies should be aware that their current academic programme cannot be guaranteed to resume following re-admission as if no interruption had occurred and that it is their responsibility to make themselves familiar with any changes in assessment policy or practice in the programme of study syllabus that may have taken place during their absence.

Withdrawal from the University

The University lays down formal regulations about withdrawal from the University. If you are withdrawing from the University, please inform the CampusCentral in writing or by completing a 'Withdrawal form', without delay.

For financial implications of withdrawal / interruption, please visit

For more information, please visit CampusCentral