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Middlesex University Dubai Sustains Excellence in UK Education as The Region’s University of Choice

  • Tuesday, 28 May 2024

For the fourth consecutive year, Middlesex University Dubai has achieved record student numbers, solidifying its status as Dubai's largest KHDA-Accredited UK University 

Amid countless high-quality educational options in the UAE, Middlesex University (MDX) Dubai remains the top choice maintaining its position as the largest UK university in Dubai in KHDA’s recently released Private Higher Education Open Data 2023 – 2024 report, based on student enrolments. With over 5,600 students from 120+ nationalities, this result reflects MDX’s outstanding student experience that sets them apart in the region, encompassing academic excellence, employability, sports and cultural activities, and industry interaction. 

Academic Excellence

MDX offers a dynamic and rigorous learning experience supported by expert faculty in research-driven environments. They provide quality UK degrees from the heart of Dubai, with over 70 specialist degree programmes across business, law, psychology, accounting and finance, health and education, science and technology, media, design, and new for September 2024: sport science.

Sports and Cultural Activities

Students develop social and leadership skills by jumping into experiences that prepare them for life beyond university. The Student Activities team arrange up to three annual trips to destinations like Japan, Georgia, and Italy. Local excursions, such as beach cleans and hikes, teach teamwork and environmental stewardship. MDX’s sports coaches lead over 15 sports teams with significant success in interuniversity competitions in the region. 

Employability and Future Careers Support

The Careers and Employability Services department prepares students for the workplace, securing over 1280 opportunities for current students and alumni in the last academic year alone. Each degree programme emphasises industry exposure, leveraging Middlesex’s extensive network of connections.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

MDX integrates innovative thinking into student life. The VRx Lab, allows students to explore virtual realms to study design and psychology, and the RoboTechx Lab delves into the intricacies of robotics. In March 2024, MDX inaugurated the Middlesex Innovation Hub (MIH) in the presence of His Excellency Khalfan Belhoul, CEO of Dubai Future Foundation, supporting students with innovative ideas and expanding their entrepreneurial thinking.

Diversity and Inclusivity

The university’s inclusive strategy ensures students from all backgrounds have access to education, with competitive scholarships and grants at all levels. 

Naba Khan, third-year BA Business Information Systems student said: “I’ve not only been able to achieve academic excellence but also personal growth. The support provided by the University has been pivotal in promoting my holistic development. Interacting with a diverse community of students, each bringing their unique perspectives, has broadened my horizons in ways I never imagined. MDX has equipped me not only with knowledge but with the confidence to navigate the complexities of the world beyond academia.”

Professor Cedwyn Fernandes, Pro-Vice Chancellor Middlesex University and Director, Middlesex University Dubai, said: “The tremendous achievement of being the largest KHDA-accredited UK University for the fourth year is a testimony to the outstanding student experience that is provided at MDX. It reflects our dedication to investing in state-of-the-art facilities, and career-focused degrees that empower students to gain real-world industry experience. We look forward to welcoming more students from international markets to support the UAE leadership’s vision of making the region a hub for innovation, exploration, and world-class education.”

There’s never been a better time to join a thriving and expanding ecosystem of successful students in the heart of Dubai.

Applications are open now for the September 2024 intake. For more information about applying to Middlesex University Dubai, visit

Middlesex University Dubai has furthered its commitment to innovation and technology, launching the MDX Innovation Hub (MIH), designed to be a dynamic ecosystem that instils students with strong innovation and entrepreneurial skills.
Middlesex University Dubai has furthered its commitment to innovation and technology, launching the MDX Innovation Hub (MIH), designed to be a dynamic ecosystem that instils students with strong innovation and entrepreneurial skills.
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