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Experts say Quality and Safety are Cornerstones of Success in Healthcare

  • Monday, 14 December 2020

The Institute for Entrepreneurship a Business Excellence (IEBE) continued its Guest Speaker Series with a dual webinar delivered by Dr Hasan Ali and Dr Pierre Majdalani on Thursday 10 December 2020. The webinar was hosted by Dr Naval Kishore, Adjunct Lecturer on the MBA Healthcare Management programme.

Dr Hasan Ali, International Surveyor for the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), is a UK and European certified Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon with practices in Dubai, London, Riyadh and Karachi. He spoke about the importance of patient safety and quality of care.

AAAASF is considered a “gold standard” for Quality Accreditation and operates globally. Thomas Terranova, Executive Director of AAAASF joined the webinar from Chicago and co-presented with Dr Hasan.

Both Dr Hasan Ali and Thomas Terranova, emphasised the importance of accreditation and how it has a big impact on the clinical outcomes, i.e., patient health and safety improve, and medical errors are greatly reduced.

The second guest, Dr Pierre Majdalani, is a renowned Pediatrician in UAE. He is of Lebanese origin, did his medical specialisation and MBA in Paris and has been practicing in Dubai for 15 years. He walked the audience through the myriad processes of bureaucratic and strategic challenges a new clinic would face. Several students commended Dr Majdalani for his passion and his devotion to his profession and said that they felt inspired.

The IEBE encourages new ventures, helping students and business partners develop their ideas into new businesses with entrepreneurial knowledge, practical education, high-impact learning, research and experience. The IEBE team combines a wealth of diverse knowledge, experience and networks to optimally impact its members.

The next generation of entrepeneurs are suppored through education and mentorship (idea development, best practice sharing and guidance), industry consulstancy for business excellence (through consultation and research services) and interaction and networking with business partners (best practice sharing and establishing of partnerships with organisations throughout the UAE). You can find out more about the IEBE at