Dr Lynda Hyland CPsychol AFBPsS SFHEA
- ROLE:Head of the Careers and Employability Department, Associate Professor
- CONTACT:+971 (0)4 433 1773
- EMAIL:[email protected]
A chartered member of the British Psychological Society and a member of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Lynda Hyland holds an M.Sc. in Health Psychology from University College London, and a Ph.D. in Science (Psychology) from the National University of Ireland (Maynooth). She also holds a Professional Certificate in Postgraduate Teaching and Learning from the National University of Ireland, and a PGCertHE in Teaching and Supporting Learning from Middlesex University Dubai.
Lynda’s teaching and learning interests include Health Psychology, Psychological Data Analysis, Research Methods and Design in Psychology, Applied Psychology, and Research Methods and Ethics. Her research interests include Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Childhood, Student Wellbeing and Performance, Health Inequalities, and Chronic Illness Management.
- Ph.D. Science (Psychology) – National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- M.Sc. Health Psychology - University College London
- Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertHE) (Teaching & Supporting Learning) – Middlesex University Dubai
- Professional Certificate in Postgraduate Teaching and Learning – National University of Ireland, Maynooth
- Senior Fellow – Higher Education Academy (UK)
- Chartered member of the British Psychological Society
- Member of the Division of Health Psychology (BPS)
- Member of the Division of Academics, Researchers, and Teachers in Psychology (BPS)
- Member of the American Psychological Association
Puthiya, R., Anderson, P., Fonseca, C., & Hyland, L. (In Press). Technology adoption in a hybrid learning environment: An action research study among university faculty in the UAE. Interactive Learning Environments.
Abonil, M., Shrivastava, A., & Hyland, L. (2023). Resilience and well‐being among expatriate entrepreneurs: Envisioning life after a global crisis. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 43(2), 107-121. https://doi.org/10.1002/joe.22225
Shrivastava, A., Azhar, H., & Hyland, L. (2022). A personal journey of studying positive psychology: Reflections of undergraduate students in the United Arab Emirates. Teaching of Psychology, Online First, https://doi.org/10.1177/00986283221106689.
Epps, A., Brown, M., Nijjar, B., & Hyland, L. (2021). Paradigms lost and gained: Stakeholder experiences of crisis distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education https://doi.org/10.1080/21532974.2021.1929587
Kassie, S., Alia., J., & Hyland, L. (2021) Biopsychosocial implications of living with Multiple Sclerosis: A qualitative study using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. BMJ Open. e049041. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049041
Bertl, B., Andrzejewski, D., Hyland, L. A., Shrivastava, A., Russell, D. & Pietschnig, J. (2019). My grade, my right: Linking academic entitlement to academic performance. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-019-09509-2
Hussain, F., Kyriazi, T., & Hyland, L. A. (2018). Undergraduate students' attitudes towards research: lessons from an international branch campus in the UAE. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 9(4), 382-395.
Saghir, S., & Hyland, L. A. (2017). The effects of immigration and media Influence on body image among Pakistani men. American Journal of Men’s Health. doi. 10.1177/1557988317698627
Leckey, Y., Hyland, L. A., McGilloway, S., Ní Mháille, G., Lodge, A., Kelly, P., Bywater, T., Comiskey, C., & Donnelly, M. (2016). A mixed-methods evaluation of the longer-term utility and implementation of a teacher classroom management training programme in Irish Primary Schools. Irish Educational Studies. 35, 35-55.
Hickey, G., McGilloway, S., Hyland, L. A., Leckey, Y., Kelly, P., Bywater, T., ... & O’Neill, D. (2015). Exploring the effects of a universal classroom management training programme on teacher and child behaviour: A group randomised controlled trial and cost analysis. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 1476718X15579747.
Hyland, L. A., NiMhaille, G., McGilloway, S., & Lodge, A. (2014). Emotional and behavioural difficulties in young, school-going children: A screening study of Irish primary schools. School Psychology International, 35, 516-529.
McGilloway, S., Ní Mháille, G., Furlong, M., Hyland, L. A., Leckey, Y., & Kelly, P. (2012). Long-term outcomes of the Incredible Years Parent and Teacher Classroom Management training programmes (Combined 12-month Report). Dublin, Ireland: Archways.
Hyland, L. A., McGilloway, S., & Lodge, A. (2012). Coping with behavioural difficulties in the Irish primary school classroom: An investigation of teachers’ experiences. In: F. Doyran (Ed) Research on teacher education and training. Athens Institute for Education and Research. ISBN: 978-960-9549-74-5.
Hyland, L. A., & McGilloway, S. (2011). Positive classrooms, positive children. InTouch. 120, 46-47.
McGilloway, S., Hyland, L. A., Ní Mháille, G., Lodge, A., O’Neill, D., Kelly, P., Leckey, Y., Bywater, T., Comiskey, C., & Donnelly, M. (2010). Positive classrooms, positive children. A Randomised Controlled Trial to investigate the effectiveness of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme in an Irish context. Dublin: Archways.
Wilkinson, D. L., Hyland, L. A., Jain, P., & Michie, S. (2008). “National Health Trainer Outcome and Evaluation Synopsis”, Report detailing quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the NHS Health Trainers Programme in England at service, hub and national levels, submitted to the Department of Health (DH) Health Inequalities Unit.
Wilkinson, D. L., & Hyland, L. A. (2008). Notes and Recommendations for the National Health Trainer Data Collection System. Report submitted to the National Health Trainer Evaluation Steering Group, UK.
Wilkinson, D. L., Jain, P., Hyland, L. A., & Michie, S. (2007). “National Health Trainer Activity Report”, Report submitted to the Department of Health (DH) on the preliminary analysis of the NHS Health Trainers Programme in England.
Hyland, L., McConnon, R., & Mackenzie, A. (January 2020). Faculty and student experiences of an integrated curriculum in a university transition programme module. Oral presentation at the Fifth International ERPBSS conference. Dubai, UAE.
Hyland, L. A. & Shrivastava, A. (August, 2017). A positive path towards subjective well-being: A qualitative study on the reflections of undergraduate students. Oral presentation at the ICAP 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Hyland, L. A. (July, 2016). Principals’ management of childhood social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties in disadvantaged Irish primary schools. Oral presentation at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Hyland, L. A. & Shrivastava, A. (July, 2016). Doing good and feeling good: Students reflections on engaging in positive exercises. Oral presentation at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
Hyland, L. A. & Shrivastava Kashi, A. (November 2015). The Pursuit of Happiness: Hope Matters. Oral presentation at the Third International ERPBSS conference. Dubai.
Shrivastava Kashi, A. & Hyland, L. A. (March, 2015). Accentuate the positive: Student reflections on completing a Positive Psychology module. Oral presentation at the Third National Conference of Applied Psychology Research in UAE. Middlesex University Dubai.
Mohsin, S. & Hyland, L. A. (March, 2014). The effects of immigration and media-influence on body image among Pakistani men. Oral presentation at the Second National Conference of Applied Psychology Research in UAE. Middlesex University Dubai.
Hyland, L. A. (March, 2014). The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme in Ireland: An observational assessment of teacher outcomes. Oral presentation at the Second National Conference of Applied Psychology Research in UAE. Middlesex University Dubai.
Hyland, L. A. (March, 2013). Socioeconomic disadvantage and the management of Irish primary schools: A qualitative sub-study. Oral presentation at the First National Conference of Applied Psychology Research in UAE. Middlesex University Dubai.
Hyland, L. A., McGilloway, S., & Lodge, A. (September, 2010). Examining the impact of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme on the experiences of primary school teachers: A qualitative analysis- Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Queens University Belfast.
Hyland, L. A. (July, 2010). Confident teachers and positive children: A qualitative study on the long-terms effects of an intervention to improve management of disruptive behaviours in Irish classrooms. Oral presentation of Ph.D. findings at the International School Psychology Association conference, 2010. (Trinity College, Dublin).
Hyland, L. A. (July, 2010). Emotional and behavioural difficulty in young, school-going Irish children: An exploratory analysis of junior classrooms. Oral presentation given the at the International School Psychology Association conference, 2010. (Trinity College, Dublin).
Hyland, L. A. (May, 2010). Exploring primary school teachers’ experiences of managing challenging classroom behaviour: The Incredible Years Ireland Study. Oral presentation of Ph.D. findings at the Athens Institute for Education and Research ‘Education Conference’, 2010. (Athens, Greece).
Hyland, L. A. (April, 2010). The Impact of a Classroom Management Programme on the Experiences of Teachers: A qualitative study. Oral presentation of Ph.D. research at the British Psychological Society annual conference 2010, (Stratford-Upon Avon, UK).
Hyland, L. A. (December, 2007). Preliminary Analysis of Psychological and Physiological Data from the DAFNE (Ireland) Programme. Oral presentation of M.Sc. thesis findings at the Irish DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) Study Conference 2007, (Galway, Ireland).
Hyland, L. A. (November, 2007). DAFNE Ireland: Baseline and Prospective Data. Oral presentation on the findings of the preliminary analysis of the Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) Ireland Data. Presented at the Health Psychology Seminar Series (Centre for Outcomes Research and Effectiveness: University College London).
Wilkinson, D. L., Hyland, L. A., & Jain, P. (July, 2007). Summary of the English Health Trainer End of the Year Reports: Findings so far. Oral presentation given on the preliminary findings of the activities of Health Trainers in England. Presented at the National Evaluation Steering Group Meeting, Health Inequalities Unit (Department of Health: London).