Alumni Spotlight – Mehzabeen Z Tinwala

  • Friday, 16 June 2023


Alumni Spotlight is our opportunity to shine the light on some wonderful graduates of MDX who have since flown the nest and began their successful careers within their chosen industries.

We recently spoke with Mehzabeen, and she filled us in on her great achievements since graduating 5 years ago.

Mehzabeen Z Tinwala 
BA (Hons) Business Management 
Class of 2018

How was your university experience with MDX?

My university experience at Middlesex was excellent. I appreciated the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and interact with individuals who challenged me to think differently. The professors were exceptional in their ability to encourage and teach valuable skills that have helped me in my career.  

Do you have any memories that highlight your experience?

I have many good memories of my time at Middlesex, but one that stands out was being part of the debate team and participating in the NYU debate. It got me way out of my comfort zone and allowed me to meet people from different backgrounds and hear about their experiences - a few that I'm still in touch with! I also cherish the small moments, like the late-night study sessions and getting to know my professors.

What was your dream career when you started university, and did that change in the process of your studies?

Honestly, when I started university, I was still searching for a career that would be rewarding and fulfilling. During my time at MDX, I pursued a variety of passions and ultimately learned that it's possible to turn any passion into a profession and be successful at it, as long as you're willing to put in the effort to learn and grow.

What do you do for a career now, and how did you get there?

I am currently a Product Marketing Manager at NymCard. My career has been very non-linear, and I've followed a path that led me to pursue opportunities that I found both challenging and enjoyable. It's important to be open to different career paths and to follow what you're passionate about, even if it's not a direct or traditional route.

How has your degree helped you in your current role and how do you see it helping your progression in the future?

The skills and knowledge I gained at Middlesex University Dubai have provided a solid foundation for my work, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. In addition, my degree gave me exposure to different fields, which has been helpful in understanding the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders in my current role. Looking to the future, I believe that my degree will continue to help me progress in my career by providing a solid foundation for learning and growth in my field or another field if I choose to pivot to something else!

Do you have a message for current students and next year’s graduating students?

The best advice I've got for you is to be a nice person to work with. You'll spend a significant part of your career working with very different people, and it's a lot more fun if you treat people with kindness and remember that you are working together towards a shared vision and collective goal.  

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