Dr Engie Bashir SFHEA MSc
- ROLE:Senior Lecturer Computer Engineering and Informatics, Campus Programme Coordinator – Undergraduate Computer Engineering and Informatics
- CONTACT:+971 (0)4 361 6248
- EMAIL:[email protected]
Engie holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Computer Science from the American University of Beirut, and is currently pursuing her PhD in Computer Science from Middlesex University (London, UK). Her teaching and learning interests include user experience and interaction design, customer experience, programming languages, algorithms, cloud services and Infrastructure storage management, novel Interactive technologies, system analysis and design, database design and Implementation, web development and scripting technologies
Engie is also the Student Engagement and Learning Experience Coordinator for the Computer and Engineering Informatics Department, and a UX Advisory Board Member at Center for Innovation in Human Experience (CIHx).
- PhD Computer Science candidate, Middlesex University London
- PGCert in Higher Education, Middlesex University Dubai
- Master of Computer Science, American University of Beirut
- Bachelor of Computer Science, American University of Beirut
Awards and achievements
- Enhancing Education Award 2021/2022 (Middlesex, UK) - Student Learning Experience Journey
- Best Paper Award 2018 (Italy) – Research paper on “What’s Hot in Interaction Design? An International Survey of Practitioners’ Views on Personas”
Membership of professional bodies and associations
- Member of the Open UAE Community
- Professional Member at British Computing Society- UAE
Research Interest
- User Experience and Interaction Design
- Human Machine Teaming
- Industry and academia collaboration
- Emerging technologies
- Novel practices in teaching and learning
- Information retrieval & filtering
Selected Conference Proceedings and Publications
- Hussain, F., Bashir, E., Sethi J., and Das M. (2022). A Three-Pronged-Approach to Academic Advising: Case Study of Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics (CEI) at Middlesex University Dubai. Annual Teaching and Learning Conference From Personal Tutoring to Academic Advising: Working with students Inclusively, 7 Sept, 2022
- Bashir E. , Nanath K. and Hussain F., Industry-academia outreach: a study of student perception, International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning Vol. 13, No. 4, July 19, 2021, pp 390-409
- Bashir E. and Basu A (2021). Transforming classroom experience: How the "UX in Design" teaching team used Miro to digitize student interactions and promote group collaboration. 2nd Teaching and Learning Conference New Frontiers in Higher Education Teaching and Learning: Strategy and Planning for the Digital Learning Age, June 16, 2021.
- Hussain, F. and Bashir, E (2021). Monitoring student engagement in distance learning: Action research to examine and measure the behavioural engagement of students. 2nd Teaching and Learning Conference New Frontiers in Higher Education Teaching and Learning: Strategy and Planning for the Digital Learning Age, June 16, 2021.
- Bashir, E. and Attfield, S. (2018) What’s Hot in Interaction Design? An International Survey of Practitioners’ Views on Personas. ACHI 2018, The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Computer - Human Interactions, Rome, Italy March 25 - 29, 2018. (Best paper award).
- Ukwuani, N., & Bashir, E. (2017). Emerging Technologies: An Exploration of Novel Interactive Technologies. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, 9(4), 30-43.
- Bashir, E and Attfield, S. (2018) Enhancing Curricular with State-of-Practice Research: Interaction Design and User Experience, Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, 16th - 18th January, Dubai, UAE.
- Engie Bashir, 2015, Reengineering Persona Development through the support of Technology, Presentation at the Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science (ERPBSS) , Dubai, UAE.
- Lejla Vrazalic and Engie Bashir, 2011, E-Learning in the UAE: What do students really think? Proceedings of the First International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science (ERPBSS), Dubai, UAE.
- Engie Bashir and Jihad Boulos, 2005, Relaxing Result Accuracy for Performance in Publish/Subscribe Systems, Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2005 , 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 552-559 , Anne H. H. Ngu, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Erich J. Neuhold, Jen-Yao Chung, Quan Z. Sheng (Eds.), New York,NY,USA.
- Engie Bashir and Jihad Boulos, 2005, Trading Precision for Throughput in XPath Processing, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on XQuery Implementation, Experience and Perspectives <XIME-P/>, in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD, 552-559, Daniela Florescu, Hamid Pirahesh (Eds.),Baltimore, Maryland, USA.