A Front Row Seat to History at Nobel Prize Celebrations - Jannatul's Story

  • Monday, 10 July 2023


Jannatul Ferdous, our LLB Law with International Relations graduate, has an amazing answer to the question “Tell us a fun fact about yourself”: she has attended the Nobel Peace Prize Week in Oslo, Norway!

Jannatul earned the all-expenses-paid trip to Nobel Peace Week in December 2022 following her work with the Ignitor’s Community, a platform by the Nobel Peace Center for passion-filled, impact-driven students who want to make a positive difference to the world around them.

Attending Nobel Peace Week as an Ignitor Community Student Ambassador for Middlesex University Dubai, Jannatul was invited to witness three new laureates receive their Nobel Peace Prize and take part in a series of glittering events as part of the celebrations, including the Nobel Peace Forum and the opening of the landmark Nobel Peace Prize Exhibition. Jannatul even had the opportunity to meet the new Peace Prize winners, congratulate them personally, and go on a personal immersive tour of the Nobel Peace Center. 

So, how did this incredible journey start?

“I was approached by a Middlesex University Dubai Law School alumni, who told me how they were interning at the Nobel Peace Center for the Ignitor Community. Opportunities like this are what I look for, so I was shocked that this was even an option, because I never actually thought about what goes on behind the scenes of Nobel Peace Week!” Jannatul says.

After researching the Ignitor Community, Jannatul decided to apply to be a Student Ambassador after realising the platform would connect her with other changemakers from across the world and benefit her learning, interests and professional development as a Law with International Relations student.

“I definitely gained insight into seeing a different perspective of many world laws and issues. For example, I heard firsthand experience from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi about his journey in the field of international crises and how he handles it,” Jannatul recounts. “It felt amazing to know that!”


As well as having the opportunity to hear the perspectives of other prominent global figures such as Afghan politician and businesswoman Hassina Syed and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her trip, Jannatul was also able to make her ownvoice be heard on peaceful coexistence, fraternity, and the protection of human rights.

“I had the opportunity to speak about the media portrayal of migrant workers during the World Cup, as well as learn about the importance of disciplined dialogue by the Nobel Peace Center at a dinner hosted by the Nobel Peace Center and Renaissance Foundation, a UK youth organisation empowering talented youth. By disciplined dialogue, it means that meaningful dialogue is a two-way street, requiring both parties to actively participate and engage. By practicing these principles, you can foster deeper connections, promote understanding, and create a more meaningful exchange of ideas. It can only be done if there is active listening, open mindedness, tolerance, reflective thinking and empathy. This dinner had students from the University of Beirut and many other students from prominent universities in the US and UK in attendance, and this meant it was a melting pot of various cultures with various opinions,” Jannatul explains.

As a result of being able to connect with important global figures in the field of international relations and other young change-makers, Jannatul says one of the main lessons she learned during her time in Oslo was the power of dialogue in making global change. “Speaking and hearing one another with an open mind and heart is the first step to peacemaking and awareness advocacy. All the networking opportunities and events helped me hear more voices that have enriched my academics.”

Now looking towards her future career, Jannatul says taking part in Nobel Peace Week not only built her confidence in networking, but also taught her the importance of perseverance and determination when it comes to making a difference.

“It was a super eventful weekend full of incredibly humbling experiences! Hearing the Nobel Peace Prize recipients talk about how making a change requires patience and resilience was my biggest takeaway about the field of Law, especially when trying to ensure people are listened to, especially the younger generation.”

And perhaps the most entertaining aspect of experiencing Oslo in December? The subzero cold weather! “This was my first time travelling solo and venturing into an unknown territory, and I loved every bit of it. Having lived in Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh and the UAE all my life, experiencing temperatures as low as -13° was definitely heavenly!”

Congratulations Jannatul on this incredible experience. We can’t wait to see all you achieve in your future career!