How Do I Choose a Career?

  • Wednesday, 7 June 2023


People choose their university for a variety of reasons, but we’re all typically looking for one thing: to find a rewarding career and achieve our goals. If you’re still at school and starting to think about which university degree you might want to study, you may even have an idea now about which career you’re interested in!  

Even if you don’t, now is the perfect time to have a think about what career path you see yourself doing. It may even help you feel better informed about choosing the right degree and help you consider how your university journey will add valuable skills to your CV. From us to you, here’s some tips to get you started!

Identify your strengths, but also your passions

If you’re choosing a career, the best question to start with would be: what am I good at? But, you should also then make sure you ask yourself: what do I enjoy doing? The best career path for you should ideally be something that answers these two questions! Choosing a career is a long-term decision, so make sure you choose something you enjoy or that matches your values and what success means to you.

Think about your career goals as early as possible – but remember you can change your mind

When choosing a university, consider what you want to do after graduation and what you want to gain from your education. The decisions you make at 16 will impact your future, but it’s not as scary as it used to be!  

The world has changed tremendously, and information is readily available. If you’re interested in a new field, you can learn many new skills and acquire new knowledge through the resources accessible online – just consider your sources. Use the Internet and social media to research and immerse yourself in the industry or career you’re interested in. The Library at Middlesex University Dubai offers a range of workshops to our students to help them identify reliable sources of information online.

Visit university campuses and speak to real-life students

You’ll often get a more realistic view of campus life when you put your questions to current students of a university you want to apply to! Attending a university open day or attending trips to local institutions with your school will immerse you in campus life and give you the opportunity to try out different programmes and find out about the careers support available.

You need to engage with the information out there to feel truly informed when making these important choices! Our regular Campus and Virtual Open Days will give you an amazing insight into how your studies at our British university in Dubai can shape your future.

Build experience outside the classroom to make yourself stand out

It's not enough in today’s world to just have a good CV or a good LinkedIn profile. You must also be proficient at showcasing your work, having your portfolio online, building a network of connections, gaining real-world experience, and showcasing your passion for your industry. The careers team at your university can help! Our Careers and Employability Services team offers services like career counselling, interview skills and networking workshops, and others for current students and alumni.

Develop your online presence

What's the first thing employers do? A background search about candidates online! Our Careers and Employability team also offer workshops for students throughout their studies to help them plan things like building their digital brand or showcasing their accomplishments creatively online and on social media.  

Gain real-world experience with an internship or work placement

As an employer, you want to see a candidate has technical skills, but most importantly the real-world knowledge of how a business operates. At university, you can join a club, volunteer, take part in events and industry competitions, and many more activities to add experience to your CV. Internships are also hugely important. Your Careers and Employability counsellors will be able to help you identify potential work placement opportunities for you during your studies!

If you’re serious about building towards an incredible career, MDX is the place to begin. Talent is nurtured, support is given even beyond graduation, and we work to ensure that every student to has the tools they need to succeed. This is our primary goal, and the reason we have an exemplary reputation for career support.

Our admissions counsellors are on hand if you need assistance and wish to discuss your study options. Contact our admissions team to learn more about how a world-class British degree at our UK university campus in Dubai will empower you for a successful and rewarding career.