My Experience of the International Foundation Programme at Middlesex University Dubai

  • Monday, 12 June 2023


Hey! I’m Shannara, I’m in my third year studying Psychology with Counselling Skills, and I’m currently waiting for my final grades. I started university in the International Foundation Programme at Middlesex University (MDX) Dubai, and then progressed to do my three years of undergraduate degree. I am the Anime & K-Pop club coordinator and I’m currently interning at Middlesex University Dubai as well.  

Below is my personal experience of the International Foundation Programme, and how it helped me make the move from high school to university!  

Before embarking on my journey with MDX, I was extremely confused on what to do. I had just completed my IGCSE exams, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue with my high school studies or go directly to university. I realised that if I chose the International Foundation Programme, I would be getting the best of both worlds! I wouldn’t have to complete the AS and A level exams, and I could specifically focus on the area I was interested in pursuing as an undergraduate degree: Psychology.  

Since I lived in Abu Dhabi, my initial search was limited to nearby universities, which did not meet my requirements. I was determined to put my focus on psychology, and so I expanded my search to include the other emirates. I saw that MDX Dubai provided the exact programme I wanted, along with other benefits that suited me perfectly.  

Among the advantages that appealed to me was that when I moved on to undergraduate level, I’d be able to attain a UK Honours degree, the scholarships that applied to me, and the opportunity to transfer to the UK campus in the future.  

As I was in India at the time, I wasn’t able to attend the Open Days on campus, but I made sure to attend the induction programme. During the induction, I received a campus tour by one of the volunteers, and an introduction to the University as well as an overview of my programme by Professor Cedwyn Fernandes (Pro-Vice Chancellor of Middlesex University) and the faculty.  

The first week of university started with a bang, as we launched straight into games, social club activities and competitions throughout campus. Initially I found it difficult to enjoy everything to the fullest, as this was a totally new environment for me, and I hadn’t expanded my social circle yet. However, by the end of the week I had begun to make some new friends and launched myself into all the fun! I started to feel a real sense of belonging and gained the confidence to approach other students and be a real part of the university. I remember one of my favourite competitions that took place during the Week of Welcome was the eating completion where the students received prizes for completing the eating challenges.

The International Foundation Programme helped me to transition smoothly from school to university. I was in a unique position, because during the first two years of my undergraduate degree Covid-19 was at its peak, which came with its own challenges and limitations. My classmates and I who had undertaken the IFP had a head start on the programme, which was a huge advantage and allowed us to maintain great grades throughout a tough few years.  

Additionally, being on the Psychology pathway had its perks, as the course was completely assignment based except for one module of maths in IFP. This module mainly taught us basic mathematics and wasn’t too difficult. All of the assignments were always thoroughly explained, and we were assisted by the lecturers. We had Student Learning Assistants also, extending our support during our classes.  

I would strongly recommend students to join the International Foundation Programme offered at MDX Dubai. I would also suggest that you participate in the several social and sports clubs that MDX has to offer; doing so will not only expand your social circle but develop your core skills.

Lastly, consistency as a university student is key and will definitely lead you to success.

Learn more about the International Foundation Programme here.