What’s Life Like on a University Campus in Dubai?

  • Monday, 5 June 2023


At Middlesex University Dubai, we’re really proud of our welcoming student experience that focuses on promoting the wellbeing and happiness of our students throughout the duration of their studies. We believe that a well-rounded campus life involves encouraging our students to thrive personally and academically inside and outside the classroom, as well as preparing them to be resilient and successful in their future careers.  

As a result, we offer a variety of inclusive activities and support services that our students can engage in to receive wellbeing support, make new friends and make the most of campus life. These include weekly events and competitions ran by our sports teams and social clubs throughout the academic year, the mdxMindset Talks monthly wellness workshop series that was launched by our Wellness Office this academic year on World Mental Health Day, and the extensive range of support offered by departments like our Centre for Academic Success.

The Centre for Academic Success is a dedicated space where students can seek in person or online advice and academic support from specialist staff and counsellors, including support for students of determination, mental health counselling, academic skills workshops, and our Student Learning Assistants programme. CAS also runs our Inclusivity Champions programme, which features students and staff working together to increase and promote participation in campus life. CAS also hosts our annual Colloquium on Inclusivity, the latest edition of which featured speakers from organisations such as Siemens Energy discussing how we can support students of determination in the transition to the workplace.

Our students can join nearly 40 sports teams and social clubs and represent the university at competitions across the UAE. Many of our teams and clubs are award winning, offering our students the opportunity to build their confidence and leadership skills outside the classroom! We also begin the academic year with an exciting Week of Welcome, immersing students in the buzz of university life and encouraging them to meet new friends, sign up for clubs and sports teams, and settle in to their new journey as university students. We also host a dedicated Week of Welcome for international students, and our sports teams and social clubs host their own events and campaigns throughout the term.

The Wellness Office aims to launch, support and coordinate a range of initiatives to improve the wellbeing and happiness of students and staff and to promote an inter-disciplinary approach to wellness across the community. mdxMindset Talks was one of this academic year’s landmark initiatives from the Wellness Office, bringing students, staff, industry professionals and community members together for open, safe conversations around mental health. In the upcoming academic year, the Wellness Office will be growing its offering with the launch of the mdxMindset Podcast, a podcast series aiming to raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing topics, lessen stigma and encourage open conversations and help-seeking.

Professor Tenia Kyriazi is Deputy Director Academic Operations and Head of Law and Politics at Middlesex University Dubai. Learn more about our Law programme here.
