Dr Daphne Demetriou
- ROLE:Senior Lecturer, Campus Programme Coordinator – Postgraduate Law and Politics
- CONTACT:+971 (0)4 375 7151
- EMAIL:[email protected]
Dr Daphne Demetriou is the campus programme coordinator for all postgraduate Law and Politics programmes at Middlesex University Dubai. She holds a PhD in Law from Middlesex University London (UK), an LLM in Public International Law from University College London (UK) and an LLB from the University of Kent (UK). She also completed the Legal Practice Course (LPC).
Daphne’s learning and teaching interests cover International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law and Public Law.
- PhD Law, Middlesex University, London, UK
- LL.M in Public International Law, UCL, London, UK
- LPC, The College of Law, London, UK
- LLB, University of Kent, UK
- PG Certificate in Higher Education
- Public International Law
- International Human Rights Law
- International Criminal Law
- Human Trafficking and Slavery
- Kyriazi, T., Demetriou, D., Lalani, A. A., & Osman, A. (2022) Towards a Strong UAE National Human Rights Institution: Complying with the Paris Principles and Beyond, Journal of Law in the Middle East 2, 19.
- Demetriou, D. (2020) ‘Assessing Human Trafficking: The Slavery Nexus and its impact on Migrant Domestic Workers’ in Bulla, D. (eds) Why Slavery Endures: Its Past, Present and Future (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020)
- Kyriazi T. and Demetriou, D. (2020) ‘Mixed Migration Flows into Europe: Discharging State Anti-Trafficking Obligations Through the Proper Identification of Trafficking Victims’, International Journal of Sustainable Society, Vol.12, No.1, pp.76 - 92.
- Demetriou, D. (2019) '“The Mens Rea of Human Trafficking - The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers’, International Criminal Justice Review, Vol 29, Issue 3, pp. 262-283.
- Demetriou, D. (2015) ‘‘Tied Visas’ and Inadequate Labour Protections: A formula for abuse and exploitation of migrant domestic workers in the United Kingdom’, Anti-Trafficking Review, Issue 5, pp. 69–88.
Tied Visas’ and Inadequate Labour Protections: A formula for abuse and exploitation of migrant domestic workers in the United Kingdom, Thomson Reuters Foundation, http://news.trust.org/item/20151103095627-n1kjy/
‘Taking no prisoners’: The UK’s stance on ECtHR judgments in relation to prisoners’ voting rights, March 30th, 2015, An International Law Blog, https://aninternationallawblog.wordpress.com/2015/03/30/taking-no-prisoners-the-uks-stance-on-ecthr-judgments-in-relation-to-prisoners-voting-rights/
Modern Slavery Bill: Cleaning up the mess of the UK government’s restrictive immigration regime for migrant domestic workers, January 19th, 2015, An International Law Blog, https://aninternationallawblog.wordpress.com/2015/01/19/modern-slavery-bill-cleaning-up-the-mess-of-the-uk-governments-restrictive-immigration-regime-for-migrant-domestic-workers-2/
‘Varnava and Others’ and ‘Xenides-Arestis group’ cases: Just Satisfaction or Just the Status Quo? The Effectiveness of the Committee of Ministers’ Current Execution Mechanisms, November 3rd, 2014, An International Law Blog, https://aninternationallawblog.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/varnava-and-others-and-xenides-arestis-group-cases-just-satisfaction-or-just-the-status-quo-the-effectiveness-of-the-committee-of-ministers-current-execution-mechanisms/
- Guest editor of Special Issue of the International Journal of Sustainable Society
- Guest editor to International Journal of Sustainable Systems Science.
- ERPBSS 2018: Panel on Humanitarian Work, Dubai, UAE, January 2018
- Inter-Disciplinary.Net Conference ‘Slavery: Past, Present and Future- 2nd Global Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2016
- UN OHCHR/GAATW Launch Event of the Anti-Trafficking Review Issue 5: ‘Forced Labour and Human Trafficking’, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2015