Staff Profile

Yasmin Sebah LLM, MRICS, MCIArb, SFHEA


Yasmin specialises in cross-border commercial disputes, international arbitration, and trade policy negotiation. She is a qualified mediator and is often invited as an expert to deliver conflict resolution training and advise on regional policy frameworks in peacebuilding and processes. Yasmin holds an LLB and Masters in International and Comparative Dispute Resolution. She completed her Legal Practice Course at the College of Law (London, UK) and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).

Membership of Professional Bodies and Associations

Senior Fellow UK Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

Accredited Commercial Mediator and Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS)

Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)

Member of the Independent Standards Commission (ISC) at the International Mediation Institute (IMI) The Hague.

Learning & Teaching Interests

Yasmin’s teaching and learning interest include International Arbitration, International Investment and Trade Law, Contract Law, Commercial Law, Law of Torts, Sustainable Development.

Research Interests

International Arbitration and Mediation, International Investment and Trade Law, Contract Law, Sustainable Development.

In collaboration with Hogan Lovells, Yasmin led on the first edition of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Arbitration Survey, offering insights into the state of arbitration practices in the region. The comprehensive report sheds light on key trends, challenges, and preferences within the growing field of commercial arbitration, particularly in construction and energy disputes.

Research Outputs

Sebah, Y. (2018 May). International Arbitration; Benefits of Arbitration Competitions & Role of Universities. Presented at the SOAS Fourth Arbitration in Africa Conference, The Role of Arbitration Practitioners in supporting the Development of Arbitration in Africa (3-4th May 2018). Kigali, Rwanda.

Sebah, Y. (2016 January). The crucial role of effective commercial mediation training on domestic, international trade and investment. Conference presentation. Eurasia Business & Economics Society, Sharjah, UAE.

Sebah, Y. (2016 February). Impact of ADR on Businesses. Guest Lecturer at Webster University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Sebah, Y. (2014 July). Mediation Regulations and Practices. contributed to Chapter 3 in Schonewille, F., Schonewille, M. (2014) The Variegated Landscape of Mediation, A Comparative Study of Mediation Regulations and Practices in Europe and the World (p.40). The Hague, The Netherlands. Eleven International Publishing.

Sebah, Y. (2013 April). Bridging the Gap. Article in the Arab British Chamber of Commerce Banking and Finance Directory.

Sebah, Y. (2003 September) Remedies for breach of contract. Contributed chapter in De Freitas, J.D. (2003). Business Law. UK. Castle Vale Publishing.